Mid-February News

The Hobble’s drawing near, and even the Calderdale Hike’s not that far away.  Remember the Calderdale Hike takes a new route this year, and a recce is probably not a bad idea if you can fit it in.  A route around Calderdale is always interesting but also always has complicated bits, and this one’s no different.  I’ve recce’d some of it, and I’m planning to have another look soon, possibly this coming weekend.

The Hobble route is rather more straightforward, and of course so many of the runners already know the way, so following others will a lot safer than it will be in the Calderdale Hike.

There’ll be a committee meeting after the Hobble, if anyone wants to come along: 4:30 in the Old Sun Hotel in Haworth.  Anyone welcome to turn up, and we really do need someone to help out on the Facebook/Twitter side of things if you’ve got the inclination.

We’ve updated the Ultra Calendar, so let us know if you spot anything missing or wrong there – we’re trying to keep track of all the UK offroad ultras so you can see what’s available all year.  There are ultras every weekend until November, and they only run out then because some events haven’t set their dates yet.  On 19/20 September there are 13 separate ultras going on, so I imagine every ultra runner in the country will be running one or the other – we’ll be running the Hardmoors 60 of course!

I’ve stopped coughing and started training again, Karen’s back from her holiday, and Nick’s back from business in Japan tomorrow.  Even Dick’s at home at the moment I think.  We’re getting new banners ready for the 2015 season, and printed postcards to promote Runfurther.  Just about ready to roll!  We’ll see you at Haworth.
