Open for Membership

Introduction and a message from Mark Hartell

We are now ready to start signing you up as the new owners of Runfurther.  Anyone can join, but you have to complete some of the races before you get a vote: anyone finishing 2 or more events in the 2013 series is eligible to become a voting member for 2014.  Joining is free, & if you don’t join, you can’t win a prize!  Full information about the new Runfurther organisation is here, and you can join here.

A message from Mark Hartell, founder of Runfurther:

The new and improved Runfurther

When I started Runfurther 8 years ago we quickly realised that there had to be some kind of structure behind it to accept sponsor contributions and make payments for numbers, web hosting, banners, postcards and so on. We settled on a Limited Company and issued one share each to Karen, Si and myself (Mark) as the founders. We never set out to make money from the series but this enabled us to save a little on VAT and keep the sponsors happy that we were legitimate.

As you may know, we stepped back in 2013 and the race series lost focus because one person was trying to do everything and it was difficult for others to step in.

So, we wondered, what structure would ensure that Runfuther’s future is safeguarded by being continually recharged with motivated, fresh talent and able to draw on the support of many? The answer is a Company Limited by Guarantee and that is what we are setting up. If you like fine print you will want to read all the rules and regulations but, in short, this is a solution that the Fell Runners Association and many other organisations have adopted for similar reasons. In essence, if you are active and involved you can vote and stand for election to key positions, no one person can control the series and we ensure that the series is by runners for runners.

The way that these companies work is that you, as a voting member, have to provide a monetary guarantee. In our case this is limited to one English pound so, for risking a pound that you will probably never be called upon to provide you get to vote and be an active part or how Runfurther develops and evolves. We think that is  pretty good deal and we hope you do too!

So, what are you waiting for – sign up now!!


Help Needed

We need someone to help us sort out sponsorship for Runfurther.  Mark Hartell is looking after this for now, but we need someone to take it on longer term.  If you think you can help, please get in touch.

We also need someone to look after artwork and sourcing things like clothing.  If that sounds like something you can help with, then again please get in touch with us.


The Haworth Hobble is now open for entries, so book your place asap.