Hardmoors 60 & 2017 Prizegiving/AGM – updated 20 Oct (link to Nick’s photos)

Runfurther 2017 Prizegiving & AGM

This year’s prizegiving venue has been organised – thanks Karen!  It will be on Saturday 4 November starting at 4:30 pm, at The New Inn, Manchester Rd, Marsden,  HD7 6EZ.  Sandwiches and chips have been booked too.  This is the same day as the last Runfurther race of the year – the White Rose Ultra.  Anyone planning to run the Shepherd’s Skyline fell race the same day instead ought to be able to make it to Marsden in time as well.  Please come along if you possibly can – we always have a good time, and the more the merrier.

Hardmoors 60

The results of the Hardmoors 60 are on the race website here.  I’ve updated the Runfurther leaderboard, and you can find that here.   Karen has written up her account (she was supporting Bob, not running), and you can find that on her blog here.  Ed Williams won overall in 10:06:20, Nick Green was 2nd in 10:14:01, and then there was a long wait for Richard Buckle, 3rd in 11:07:26.  First woman was Zoe Verrill, 13th overall in 12:06:12, 2nd woman was Heather Mochrie, 22nd in 12:56:03, and 3rd woman was Christine Waller in 12:59:00.  Martin Terry was 1st MV50, and Alwyn Nixon 1st MV60.  Bob Nash and Nick Ham are still on track for their Runfurther Grand Slams.  The photos here are from Karen’s blog: you can find Nick Ham’s photos on Flickr here.


Barney Nikolich (left). I’m not sure who the other runner is.

Bob Nash

Bob Nash


Bob Nash again!

Bob Nash again!